Episode 44
Vicarious Trauma & Supervision w/ Hannah Watson
22 January 2020
1 hr 19 mins 43 secs
About this Episode
In this episode, the TTs - including new host Sarah Hickey - are joined by special guest, BSL interpreter and professional interpreting supervisor Hannah Watson.
Relevant es ever, we discuss vicarious trauma for interpreters of all walks - whom it can affect (spoiler: everyone!), how you can see it coming and what to do about it, which is exactly where Hannah comes in and shares her experience as a professional supervisor and how supervision can help interpreters deal with bottled up emotions, stress at work or just "that annoying speaker". Truly helpful tips for everyone!
Episode Links
- [Interactive Transcript]
- Vicarious Trauma: 1 in 3 Interpreters Stops Taking Assignments
- The Cost of Caring: Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters
- AIIC Workload Study
- International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia through the ears of the interpreters
- Emma Watson UN speech
- Hannah Watson Development & Supervision