Episode 26
Standing up for fun with Matthew Perret
22 August 2018
1 hr 7 mins 1 sec
About this Episode
Have you ever laughed your head off in the booth or have you been gobsmacked by a joke that was thrown your way by a "fun" speaker? Interpreter and professional funnyman Matthew Perret joins the Troublesome Terps to shine a light on what silk purses, Mae West and German structure have to do with putting the fun in fundamentally difficult to interpret jokes. After all, not all jokes are a laughing matter!
Episode Links
- Article: Ewandro Magalhaes - Mind your language, you @#x!$%* !
- Blog: Matthew Perret - Beyond the Conference Centre: Adventures of an off-duty interpreter
- Matthew Perret - The EU Explained
- YouTube: Alexander Drechsel - A not-so-serious Guide to Tablet Interpreting
- YouTube: How to be Funny
- YouTube: Lourdes de Rioja - A Word in Your Ear!
- YouTube: Matthew Perret
- YouTube: What Makes Things Funny